Salami Festival

2014 - 2018

The brain child of 2 Rivers Pty Ltd, the Salami Festival is considered an opportunity where the various cultural activities can be celebrated and admired from a wider audience in a public forum that will provide the different cultures within the Ashford Area in a family friendly and culturally inclusive event.

Ashford has lost many economic and employment opportunities over the past 20 years. Despite the setbacks thrown at us we are resilient community who are committed to seeing a positive future for our town.

Ashford Salami Festival was successful in many outcomes in the community, with over 2,000 people attending each year it is estimated that the small community saw an economic increase of well over $50,000 for both bricks and mortar business as well as micro businesses and market stall holders. It increased both part time and casual employment in the community and the community reported massive benefits to social and mental health outcomes.

2 Rivers gifted the event to the Ashford community in 2019, providing a full established, respected and successful event for the community to continue to benefit from.

Activities include

  • Salami Making Demos

  • Food stalls of various cuisines

  • Market stalls & rides of different varieties

  • Novelty events


  • Cultural displays

  • Pig races

  • Best Salami Competition & Local Salami Maker of the Year Award

  • Plus much more family fun!!


2 Rivers can manage entire events, small or large, as required for community or business purposes.  The 2 Rivers team have extensive experience managing events in areas of the Arts & Culture, Agriculture, Human Services, and Business events, conferences, markets and festivals.  

Allowing 2 Rivers to manage your event will alleviate the hours you need to spend on planning and implementing all areas of the event, which may include organising the site, food, performers, trainers, transport, accommodation, security, rubbish removal, media coverage, council approvals, insurance, invoicing and payments, evaluation and acquittals, and of course, contingencies! 2 Rivers can assist by taking full responsibility for all of these and other actions, or you may only want assistance with some of the jobs.